Art in Bloom
Out to Tea
welcome day

Interest Sections 2024-25

Interest Sections meet monthly in the morning, at lunch, in the afternoon or in the evening. All are informal – most are relatively small, fostering interests, talents, and friendships. Site visits, tours, and meetings in members’ homes are often a part of Interest Section Meetings. There is no limit on the number of Interest Sections members may attend.

For a job description of the chair or coordinator position in each section click on 'Chair' in each section.

Learn more about Interest Sections:
If you are interested in attending an event or program contact the coordinator or send an email to requesting contact information.

Share upcoming events or changes anytime by emailing UMWC website manager at to post on the website. Include event title, date, time, a brief description, and contact information.  

(For help with planning Interest Section events, refer to this  Interest Section Planning calendar )

Around the Campus 



Creative Writers


Mah jongg

Modern Fiction 

Modern Literature 


Mystery Lovers


Needle Arts Sharing 


Out to Tea.

Poetry Lovers

Restaurant Ramblers 


Women’s Health Issues 

Young in Spirit