Nancy Schuster

2024-25 President-Elect Nancy Schuster (assumes office on July 1, 2024)

2024-25 Board of Directors members

2024-25 UMWC Board of Directors

Current President Linda Boss (term ends on July 1, 2024, and former President Catherine Holtzclaw

2024-2025 UMWC Board of Directors  


For a description of each officer's duties, click on the links below.

Nancy Schuster

President Elect
Marilyn DeLong

Vice Presidents for Programs
 Linda Lorenz and Georgia Nygaard

Vice President for Scholarship Fund Raising
Diane Young

Recording Secretary

Randi Lundell

Co-Treasurer for Operations
Joan Mitchell

Co-Treasurer for Scholarship
Jane Glazebrook

Records and Dues Officer
Nancy Myers

Past President
Linda Boss

Appointed Positions
For job description - click on the position.

Bonnie Russ

Newsletter Editor
Nancy Kluver

Directory Editor
Dorothy Waltz

Website Manager
Mary Nosek

Corresponding Secretary
Barbara Burleigh

Sandy Gale

Standing Committees Chairs
For job description - click on position.

Janet Robb

Joan Mitchell
Jane Glazebrook

Scholarship Fundraising
VP and Chair - Diane Young
One-Year Named Scholarship Chair - Marian Champlin

Membership Co-Chairs
Ginny Mahlum  and Susan Hopp

Co-Event Coordinators

Linda Lorenz

Scholarship Chair 
Marilyn Olson

Technical Services 
Mary Nosek